

Introduction to Hotglue
The first lesson in Web Design studio was an introduction to Hotglue Content Manipulation System.

HotGlue is mainly used to create web-pages directly in the Web browser. No programming is needed, just a good knowledge of shortcut keys.

Using HotGlue I learned more about Web design and wide range of tools which allow to drag and drop images, videos, text,etc.

There are also drawbacks using Hotglue. It is sensitive to the mouse movement. Sometimes trying to drag and drop one object, other object can be slightly moved at the same time.

Web page in Hotglue is not responsive and it is difficult to view it on the smaller devices. Also, there are speed issues on mobile devices when opening images or viewing video content.

Hotglue is six years old, it is free to use for everyone and can be accessed everywhere. A web page can be edited directly in the browser and shown to others straight away.

In my point of view Hotglue would not be an option to build a personal website as you are limited in what you can do.

Below you can see a video of quick tips using hotglue.

[Direct visual editing]
[Functions available]
[Quick menu]